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Free Market: Hangout; Gachapon; Guild Level Notices

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Free Market: Hangout; Gachapon; Guild Level Notices Empty Free Market: Hangout; Gachapon; Guild Level Notices

Post  ScrewDeath Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:32 am

1)Mark, could you get put all of the custom Npcs in FM Entrance in FM1?
Excluding the Stylist Npc and the Aio Npc. Maybe others too like a Player Npc named Guide that tells you the locations of things such as "The Npc Mall is located in FM1, the Boss Spawner is located in FM 13".

Because No one really goes to the hangout place. (I really don't know why)
Probably because FM Entrance is the main hangout.
Also, the mass number of Npcs makes the FM Entrance look messy and "unattractive".

2)2nd, you should lower the rates for gachapon tickets dropping.

People are actually dropping stuff they get from Gach every 30 minutes. Not just bad scrolls, but chairs, equips and stuff.
This problem causes gml's and maple leaves to be literally priceless because you have a better chance getting those weapons and rare equips from gach.

3)Finally, you should get rid of the Guild Level Notices.
Example: [Guild] Ryan has reached Level 100

This lags people that are in the guild because it spams their chat bar thingy.
Also, it's basically spam. (Not the meat kind)

Yeah... that's all the suggestion I have for now. Neutral

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Join date : 2011-12-28
Age : 73


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Free Market: Hangout; Gachapon; Guild Level Notices Empty Agreement!

Post  Subscribe<3 Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:15 pm

This suggestion should be done. There is a lot of lag in fm!

Posts : 9
Join date : 2011-12-28

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Free Market: Hangout; Gachapon; Guild Level Notices Empty Hell yeah!!!

Post  Royal Ryan Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:25 pm

I agree with every single word you just said ESPECIALLY the gapachon tickets. But he should not lower the rates for dropping because were getting the tickets from leveling. I think every time u rb or whatever you gain like 6 or so. That makes the currency useless because you get like so many timeless and all these rares. Second, I think the npc's should be in fm 1. Not all of them but most of them. Having them all on that bottom floor makes it look sooo crowded and unattractive like Ben said.
Royal Ryan
Royal Ryan

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Join date : 2011-12-27
Age : 27
Location : San diego :D

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